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Crab Spider

Crab Spider

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The future of digital SLRs

August 5th, 2008 - 06:04:26 AM:

Currently DSLR design still concentrates on packing more pixels onto the sensor and adding features to the camera firmware. As the megapixel race continues, however, it becomes more and more pointless. Most lenses can not resolve enough detail to require tens of megapixels, and sloppy technique often prevents that both lenses and sensors are used to their full potential. So as there is a limit of information that reaches the sensor, there's no point to use more and more pixels to record it. Once the pixel number of the sensor is higher than the total resolving power of the lens-photographer system, there is no advantage of adding more pixels. Also, more and more people will realize that they don't need 20 megapixels even for full page magazine prints. The novelty value of ever larger numbers in sales brochures will soon fade out.

So efforts will shift towards other areas. Mid- and longterm there will be increased emphasis on quality, usability, and getting rid of the past. Let's start with my look into the crystal ball:

Images didn't display when using Google Reader

July 29th, 2008 - 06:35:35 PM:

When reading this feed with Google Reader, the images were not displayed. This is caused by the way Google Reader aggregates and presents the feed. It's fixed now. If you see a similar problem when using other aggregators, please let me know.

2 million visitors

May 8th, 2008 - 09:21:21 AM:

Tonight the line of 2 million visitors was crossed. Last summer there was a steep drop in the number of visitors after Google has changed their ranking system. Since end of July there were significantly fewer referals from Google. But since then the numbers have risen continuously and approach the earlier level. Thank you for your interest!